Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Burn baby burn!

This is a lovely piece from Huffington Post.

The reason I am posting this is to illustrate a point.  What happens everytime some radical muslim cleric makes some ridiculous threat against non-muslims?  It gets tons of press.  It's all over the media.  It becomes a defacto aspect of Islam.  The xenophobic public ratchets up their fear and hatred of all things muslim.

So here we have a radical Christianist engaging in a ridiculous act of intolerance and blanket hatred of non-Christians.  It's getting some press.  Think about how western Christians react to the Muslim radicals and you can understand how muslims will react to these idiots. 

What would Jesus burn?

1 comment:

gone said...

Exactly. And when your cult uses victimization and persecution as defense mechanisms and validation, no one can say anything against you. Convenient, eh? Just like that confess your sins get out of jail free card. The perfect scam.