Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Siren Song of Fungi

Those strange little buggers.  You'd not assume they were worth a second glance most of the time.  But cook them up just right and they release a most delectable aroma and flavor!  Yummmmmm!  And the seduction is only heightened by the thought that if you choose unwisely you just might end up dead as the fallen tree they were sprouting from.

Well, it seems the fungi-mania in Italy this year is taking its toll on the "fungaioli".

In related news we've got chef Mario Batali openng up Eataly, a massive epicurian emporium of all things Italian, just steps from my office.  Signs say opening "precisely at 4pm" today.  The boss, a big time foodie himself, has already made it known that he expects the office to clear out around that time.  I'll certainly be checking out the shroom selection.


gone said...

Nice boss! Are those oyster 'shrooms? I use shitake for my hot and sour soup.

Been wondrin' where you were. Kids all ready for school? Battening down the hatches for a hurricane? Oy!

snark said...

Those are Chanterelles. They're wonderful.

The boss has been waiting all summer for this place to open up. Something like 15,000 square feet. Half market. Half restaurant. Each little section has an eating area. Plus they're building a beer garden on the roof. Gonna brew and sell their own microbrews.

Kids getting ready for school. Not to much drama so far.

Hoping the hurricane stays out to sea.

snark said...

Sorry, that's 50,000 square feet.

gone said...

Whoa! How cool! You could spend the whole day and night in the place, eh? Kinda like Pike Place Market here in Seattle. Just a fun experience - nice kitchen shop, too.

Every time I look at the hurricane, it's wobbling in a different direction. The satellite looks just like Katrina, though. Hope it's a miss!

snark said...

Well we had a good time at Eataly. They opened at 4pm and we walked over at about 4:15. Boss closed the office as threatened. Had to wait in line outside for about 20 minutes as they were only letting people in in small groups to avoid over crowding. The place is great. Like a European market. Everything looked so fresh and wonderful. I think I could survive on nothing more than fresh bread, cheese and wine! We walked around a bit and the boss decided we should sit and eat. They have several areas where you can sit and eat and two more formal table service type "restaurants". We picked the fish place. Grilled, smoked, fired fish. All incredibly fresh and really tasty. Everyone (there were 5 of us who stayed to eat) tasted a bit of each others dishes. Couple of bottles of wine. A slightly jittery waitress who kept apologizing too much. Crowds milling around getting a look at what you were eating. Mario Batali came by with a crowd in tow. My boss grabbed him for a picture and he came over to our table and asked how everything was. Then he was off again in a little moving crowd of hangers-on. Lidia Bastianich was there as well. She's the Lidia of Cooking with Lidia and Lidia's Kitchen. Her son is partner with Batali in many of his restaurants and in Eataly.

It was quite a crowd but it's a big space with a lot of speciality foods. I hope they can do enough business to support it.

The rooftop beer garden is not going to be ready for another month or so. Hopefully they get it up and running before it's too cold to enjoy.

gone said...

Oh, what fun! And right next door, too. Sounds like you have a nice office - we're still waiting for those raises, and the supervisor's still being "too busy." Not that there's much hope, but I'm going to dust off my resume again, see if there's something out there. Her son is our shipper, and he's been out for days. He's always out sick - I can't blame him since he's trained as an accountant, and she's got him shipping and cleaning toilets. It's like she wears his balls on her belt and parades around with them. The poor guy's a sweetheart and 30 years old. Heartbreaking. What sucks is we got a new hire and her qualifications are: she's a delight to talk to. That's our requirements here. Not ability, or reliability, but a smile at all times. Fuckin' 'tards.

Anyhow, sorry there's no beer garden yet! That's the real heartbreaker. And check out my comment on the Deacon post about Obama's speech. So fuckin' sick of the uninformed whining.

snark said...

Good on ya for the TLC comment. I rarely even bother reading it much anymore. You nailed. Nothing will ever meet with their satisfaction.

gone said...

Thanks. I accidentally found the Obama speech when I turned on the tv. He said what he had to say, tied it into the economy and honored the troops. Of course, he should have bashed Bush, declared we'd never go to war again, and magically fixed the economy. So sick of the whining and making shit up on the left. I'm so busy worrying about keeping a job and paying my bills, I don't have time to nit pick the prez. Just sad all around.

snark said...

GV responded.

With a big whine.

gone said...

Yeah, I saw. Never good enuff, is it?

snark said...

Jesus H! TLC is in full "the Democrats are gonna get hammered in November and it's a good thing" mode. I swear to god people are fucking morons. How such seemingly bright people can spout on about people acting against their own interests and be COMPLETELY blind to the fact that they are behaving in EXACTLY the same way is beyond me. Fuck!

gone said...

I know, it's insane. But those are the same bullies who ripped anyone who said a bad word about Obama, now they can't give him an inch even when he does what he promised. Of course, you'll be labeled a "true believer" because you're not calling Obama silly names.

I can see why the admin ignores them; they're too fickle. But when their neighbors and friends see them turn against him, they start wondering if the whiners are on to something and stay home. How different are they from the GOP who wants to destroy the US, when they happily announce the Dems will lose and government will stop? Luckily, the online left has no power. Still, the Dems need to do something showy before the election, because people are really hurting out here. We've got one of our corporate investors coming today to see if our office is worth keeping open. Terrifying.

snark said...

Jeez, I hope it goes well. Sending positive thoughts westward to ya. Good luck.

Seriously though, all I hear is about the GOP and the tea baggers message saturation. And there's a complete disconnect from the fact that the left constantly eats its own. God help me if i can recall a comment from GV that wasn't about how horrible the Dems are. And phidipides never has a positive thing to say about anything anyone does. I'd shoot myself if i had his fucking attitude. Even Steve is a total bummer.

gone said...

I know - that's why I had to back off a bit, and why I like Rumproast and Balloon Juice. There's still the disappointment, but it's not all-consuming and destructive. I hate the animal shit, though. Really, who cares is someone's cat is fat or their dog chased a bird? I know, a lot of people do, but dang, they're critters that only like you cos you feed them. (heh) Anyhow, I read a thing someone that Beck's rally only got 87000, and on a good day at the mall, you could get that much of an audience for any kerfuffle. Plus, the tv audience was only about 800k, meaning 30 times more people watched some Real Housewives show than they did Beck. No one in the real world knew the damn thing happened. People need to work on their local races, Obama has very little to do with November this year. It's all Congress. Professional whiners indeed.

Anyhow, I'm totally stuck on the phones because one of our people went to get some fancy schmancy pastry, and someone else is getting spots out of the carpet. Fookin' A, howzabout doing your job? Isn't that what the guy will be here to look at?? Idiots, I swear. And still not a peep about the raises my supervisor was authorized to give us over a month ago. Fookin' beotch. Stupid economy. On the plus side Machete comes out this weekend! Hehe.

snark said...

Good diary on the subject at DailyKos.

gone said...

We both must have been reading it around the same time! And of course, the comments are half nuts. Oy!

snark said...

Didn't even bother with the comments. I figured it'd be a big flame war.

gone said...

Well, the guy assured us we were in it for the long haul, but he also said to expect changes, and people here don't like change - I dunno, I guess we'll see.