Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Conventional wisdom from The Left?

Obama needed to be more Bush-like in his Oval Office address last night.

Not enough executive swagger it seems.



gone said...

I vaguely heard it was happening and missed it. I'm at home sick for the week. I just can't read past the headlines anymore, or even look at the blogs I used to. Nothing more gruesome than watching people who ripped me apart when I said he admitted he wouldn't micromanage, he was going to be an "inspiration" now saying he's an empty suit. Never thought it would be possible, but dang if the pumas didn't win out in the end, huh?

snark said...

The fainting couch is awful crowded over at TLC today! Seems everyone is trying to out do everyone else for doomy and gloomy comments. Steve leading the way with "Obama jumped the shark". Obama's a one termer! Here comes Sarah Palin! Waaaaah! It's a study in group psychology I tell ya.

gone said...

It really is groupthink, isn't it? I went and took a look, and just couldn't watch. We're in such deep shit and everyone's flailing and blaming. I'm beginning to think the smart ones are the people ignoring politics altogether. They seem happier, at least.

snark said...

Good front page post at DailyKos

Pretty much how I feel.

And it's funny to hear people talking about Carter. Carter was opposed viciously by Kennedy for the nomination in 1980. And lost in a landslide to Reagan. And we all know how well that worked out for progressives and "the little people". So yeah, let's run a primary challenge to Obama in 2012 and hand the White House to the GOP.

How much worse can they be?

gone said...

That's a nice rundown. I get the impression that the next time the GOP gets in charge, it'll be a campaign of revenge like nothing we've ever seen. It's hard to keep from despairing, but that doesn't do any good either.